hoopla has launched a new SeasonPass which makes it possible for library users to ‘borrow’ entire seasons of shows for free with just their library card. Once borrowed, library users will have unlimited streaming access to each season for an entire week.
At launch, a selection of 14 TV series are available to borrow through SeasonPass. Some of the series now available include the first seasons of Absolutely Fabulous, The Librarians, Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators, The Forsyte Saga, Midsomer Murders, and Wallander, among others.
For those interested in giving the new SeasonPass a try, the feature is now available through participating public libraries. Homes can check the hoopla website to confirm their local library participates in the program.
Providing a local library is included, hoopla users can immediately begin borrowing entire seasons and streaming them at home.
As a reminder, SeasonPass is available alongside more than 30 BingePasses. Unlike SeasonPass, a BingePass is designed to provide access to a service instead of a specific show. For example, users can currently borrow BingePasses for AsianCrush, Curiosity Stream, Fandor, Hallmark+ (formerly Hallmark Movies Now), and The Great Courses.
Similar to SeasonPass, a library card associated with a participating library is all that’s required to borrow any of hoopla’s BingePasses.
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