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Latest Max Update Is Fixing Broken Dolby Vision On Apple TV (For Some)

John Finn Avatar
Max app displaying main home screen

If you’ve been using the Max app on Apple TV 4K and have found Dolby Vision to be completely broken, it looks like the latest version of the app might fix the problem for you.

The Apple TV 4K player comes with a number of features and supports that can help improve both the audio and visual experience. Dolby Vision, for example, offers an even more accurate range of color, contrast, and luminance by displaying video dynamically, on a scene-by-scene basis.

The problem with Max app, however, is that many Apple TV 4K users found Dolby Vision was broken after switching to the new app last month. At the time, it wasn’t clear what the problem was, and as a result, what the fix might be.

Now, it looks like the Dolby Vision issue on Apple TV might have been fixed, thanks to the latest version of the app. As explained in a new Reddit post, and confirmed by others already, updating the app results in the automatic enabling of Dolby Vision when available.

The Max Apple TV app was updated just yesterday, according to the App Store, and although it doesn’t specifically mention any Dolby Vision fix, the changelog does note that “bug fixes and performance improvements are the main focus this time.”

For reference, this is version 1.1.1 of the Max app, released on June 14, 2023.

For those unaware of the problem, there’s a really long Reddit thread about it that you can read here. The thread not only details the problem, but also attempts to try and isolate what was causing it.

It is worth noting that the latest comments in that thread are also now confirming that the latest update fixes the Dolby Vision issue on their Apple TV players.

That all said, and in spite of the many users seemingly confirming the fix, there are some that are still reporting issues after updating. There also others which seem to confirm it works, but intermittently.

Either way, updating to the latest version of the tvOS app will be the quickest and easiest way to see if the new Max update fixes the Dolby Vision issue on your Apple TV player.

John Finn


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